Success! Our scan ran smoothly, please enter your email address below and we will send you our findings in the next business hour.
Report Sample
You will find in your report, see sample below, a basic audit of how strong is your website, the technology in use, a vulnerabilities check, an analysis of HTTP security headers, robots.txt file and much more:
The Benefit of a Premium Account
Our Personal Website plan includes the following features, make sure to check the pricing page for more premium support plans:
- CMS Core Upgrades (WordPress)
- Off-Site Backups
- WordPress Plugin Updates
- Uptime Testing & Notification
- SSL/TLS Uptime Testing
- Google Analytics
- Advanced Analytics
Need Help Deciding Which Plan Is Right For Your Website?
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CMS Core Updates
Plugin & Module Updates
Offsite Backups
Security & Malware Testing
SSL/TLS Management
Website Support Options
Uptime Testing & Notifications
Contact Form Testing
Domain Name Renewals
Website Analytics
Keyword, Search, & Backlink Analysis
Broken Links Fixed
Mobile Responsiveness
Website Load Time
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Compliance Testing
Ongoing Compliance Support